5 Lifestyle Changes To Start Living Your Best Life Today

by Vidya Lakshmi Φεβρουάριος 08, 2021 5 min read

5 Lifestyle Changes To Start Living Your Best Life Today

Hey Guys! Hope you’re all doing very well. Today’s post is gonna be about some really simple things we can all do starting today, that will make a huge positive change in our lives in the long run. It’s February of 2021 already, and this is the time when most of us kind of deviate from all those New Year Resolutions we made in Jan. All of us have this tendency to set unrealistic goals for ourselves at the beginning of every year. It’s just that we feel really ambitious and motivated at the start. But as we get back to work and to our routines, we get tired. And we won’t be as motivated as we were at first. Initially, we’d make excuses for ourselves, and eventually, we’d just forget all about our goals.

This is what happens to most of us every single year. So there’s no point in setting these sort of goals. They kind of drastic changes that are probably not possible for us. What we really need to do is think about what we can or cannot achieve. We know we’ll be really tired and lazy after work. And we know when we’ll want to go to bed and when to wake up. So if we’re able to add a little change or a little extra work, it has to be done considering all of these factors. Coz if we incorporate a change it has to be comfortable for us. Otherwise, we’d just forget about it.

Back to what we were saying earlier, there are some simple things we could do every day, that are quite doable, coz they won’t take up much of our time. And we also don’t need to take a lot of effort. Let’s have a look at what they are.

Single Tasking

This is the first and foremost thing we need to start doing. And from right now. If you’re reading this blog post, just focus on reading it. Try not to get distracted by other stuff. Multitasking really wears us out. That’s what we do all day, every day when we’re at work. We don’t have a choice there. But at least when we are at home, we could try to only focus on one task at a time. The best way to do this would be to set specific times for each task and prioritize. So when we are doing one task we won’t be worried about whether we’ll have time to finish the other one. 


For all of us who work, the best thing we could do is to organize our after-work routines and start single-tasking. Even simple things like having a cup of tea is meditation when you’re single-tasking. Focus on how it tastes, its texture, and even its color. It’s a great way to unwind and relax a bit.

Be Flexible

Even when you’re making plans for yourself, or when you’re expecting something to go a certain way, understand that life’s not a straight line. Plans may need to be changed or even canceled. Take last year for example. So many of us had planned travels, weddings, relocations, and whatnot. And unfortunately, the whole world came to a standstill. It would have affected so many of us in so many different ways. 

plan B

So let’s all start being a little more open to change and maybe even have a Plan B if things go wrong with Plan A. That would give us so much more peace and happiness

Make Health A Priority

It’s true that we’re all busy. Sometimes we feel that 24 hours a day is not enough. We ignore things like getting enough sleep and eating good food just so we can meet deadlines and make enough money. In the long run, all that starvation and sleep deprivation is gonna cost us. We do need to prioritize ourselves too. We need to listen to what our body tells us. Simple things like sleeping when you feel tired and eating when you’re hungry can make such a huge difference to the way we feel. Haven’t you noticed? even peeing exactly when we really need to, makes us feel better.

healthy food

We’ll be able to do a lot more work if we just eat and sleep on time. We might get quicker, accurate, and much better at what we do. Eventually, we might even get extra time to do other stuff that we love. Coz we’d have become much for efficient and focused. 

If we’re not able to cook for ourselves every day, there are so many healthy food options available for us to choose from. We’ve come a long way now and we don’t need to struggle to eat and live healthily.


This is probably the one thing on this list that might be a little difficult for some of us. But it’s still doable if you want to. Starting today, we could look at all the stuff we own and really think about whether every one of those items is useful to us. If we no longer have a use for something we should definitely consider donating that item, selling it, or throwing it away. We’ve all heard of Marie Kondo’s method, if something doesn’t bring joy to you then you should consider removing it from your space.


When the space we live in is clutter-free then we think better, and we feel better. This applies to people too. There’s no point in holding on to meaningless friendships and toxic relationships. If someone you hang out with makes you feel bad about yourself, it’s probably time to let go of them. You’d feel much happier in life.

Take Action

So the final thing we can start today is to take action. If you want to start that new blog, start now. If you’ve been wanting to quit that job, but you’ve been scared of being broke, you could do two things - you could quit now and look for something you like starting today or you could decide on which day you could quit and take steps to support yourself while you start doing what you love - it could be something like saving up enough money. 

go for it

Take some sort of action right now that would help you out of the situation you don’t like. There’s really no point in being stressed out about being in an unfavorable situation. And whatever you do, take responsibility for it. Whatever you’re facing right now and whatever you’re about to face is a consequence of a decision you made. 

Alright, so that brings us to the end of today’s post. We hope we dint bore you will all this life advice, it’s just that Navinee is not only focused on gemstones and jewelry, we want our readers or live their best lives too. Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below, we’d love to know what you think.

And take a look at some of our newest additions before you go. Thanks so much for reading guys. Bye!

Beatrice Butterfly Necklace

Multi CZ Butterfly Charm

To The Moon and Back Necklace

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